If only we knew when we were going to die. Ask anyone who has had a near-death experience and he or she will tell you,
Health, wellness and nutrition from Dr Kathleen & Team
If only we knew when we were going to die. Ask anyone who has had a near-death experience and he or she will tell you,
Who is even the ‘you’ who picks which one to side with? Our Mind/Body Practitioner Dr. Sarah Sorensen gives us a little advice on how to self-heal.
How would you describe “the best version of yourself”?
What needs to happen for you to reach “the best version of yourself”?
I think it’s a good title as many of us are experiencing starting over.
I am certainly in the process. It’s tough making our lives work when in transition.
My best, warmest regards always
Many of us are in transition right now and experiencing starting over.
Some insights on this topic shared from our Mind/Body Wellness Practitioner, Michelle Bexiga, with permission to share from her colleague, Karen Vally who originally wrote this piece:
Wanting to feel confident and comfortable is a universal desire. Lacking self-esteem and wallowing in self-doubt can be very restrictive and limiting, especially for forming relationships and having memorable experiences. Building confidence can be hard, but small steps can often go a long way.
Our Mind/Body Consultant, Michelle Bexiga, shares this accurately and beautifully articulated poem about ADHD (due to be renamed ADHS). This condition is recognised as a syndrome and no longer a disorder. The author of this poem is unknown. While we don’t aim to ‘cure’ any particular health diagnoses/syndromes, at Dr Kathleen & Team we aim to look at all aspects of nutrition, emotional wellbeing and lifestyle to support those on the spectrum of neurodiversity.
Feeling trapped can make us feel very despondent. It feels as if the world is against us and that nothing is working out. It’s as if we’re being confronted with an insurmountable and impenetrable prison wall.
Our Mind/Body Practitioner, Michelle Bexiga shares her thoughts on taking ownership of our thought time…
I encourage you to notice what is different about your day today. In what way is it different from yesterday?