Dr Kathleen & Team - Trusted Globally, Rooted in New Zealand

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Dr Kathleen and Team are here to show you what healthy living really means, and what that looks like based on you as an individual. We support and provide scientific, evidence-based natural alternatives to pharmaceutical medications and/or work alongside your existing conventional medicine regime. 

Our packages are based on a functional approach of nutritional consulting, health coaching, or mind/body wellness support in addition to our naturopathic/functional health consultations. We believe in the truly integrated model where all aspects of healing are equally important for optimal outcomes.

Quick health check in. Are you suffering from any of these symptoms?

If you’re currently suffering from any of the above, you may have vitamin or mineral deficiencies, gut dysbiosis, stress-induced conditions or hormonal imbalances. Get in touch with one of our experts and let’s work together to improve your health.

Our approach

We work with you closely as consultants and coaches to support a holistic approach to your health moving forward. We listen to your history and look at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic health issues. In this way, we can support your unique expression of health and vitality.

Dr Kathleen New Zealand | Natural Health Naturopath

Our approach

We work with you closely as consultants and coaches to support a holistic approach to your health moving forward. We listen to your history and look at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic health issues. In this way, we can support your unique expression of health and vitality.

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Our specialist services

Home of the 'Health Geek Gals’ Podcast.

Health Geek Gals Podcast by Dr Kathleen & Team

Meet The Health Geek Gals, a team of holistic wellness practitioners at Dr. Kathleen and Team Global Consulting who are here to discuss anything and everything about holistic health and wellbeing. Ready to ‘geek it out’ with us? Make sure you’re subscribed to The Health Geek Gals podcast to stay up to date with the latest episodes.

Click the button below to stay up to date with the latest episodes.

Client testimonials

We’re grateful to be able to post testimonials from some of our clients, and below you will find some of those stories.