Dr Kathleen & Team Favicon

Naturopathic / Functional Health

Ignite Your Wellbeing: Initial Consultation


1-hour consultation with Chantel Ryan

During this important first consultation, we delve deep into your health history, lifestyle, and symptoms.

We will uncover any underlying causes of health concerns and align on your health goals.

We may recommend cutting-edge functional medicine testing for unparalleled insights into your body’s unique biochemistry.

This in-depth analysis will allow us to pinpoint imbalances silently impacting your health and contributing to your symptoms.

We may recommend interim dietary and lifestyle changes to jumpstart your progress while we await test results.

This information will help us create a personalised wellness plan to target the root cause of your health issues, not just symptoms.

Secure your spot now and ignite your journey towards optimal health.

Elevate Your Progress: Follow-Up Consultation


1-hour consultation with Chantel Ryan

Your Follow Up is typically scheduled 2-5 weeks after your initial consultation.

Together we will review any pathology test results and we will present you with your personalised wellness plan.

Your comprehensive and effective plan will be based on a thorough analysis of your symptoms, health goals, and scientific evidence.

You’ll receive dietary advice, lifestyle recommendations, and prescriptions for herbal medicine and/or nutritional supplements to resolve the root cause of your health issues.

Achieve optimal wellness with our holistic approach.

Enhance Your Journey: Review Consultations

$73.75 - $147.50

15 – 30 minute consultation with Chantel Ryan

Scheduled as needed to monitor your progress.

Essential for comprehensive treatment protocols.

During your review consultations, we will troubleshoot any issues and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

Regular reviews ensure your progress towards optimal health.

Elevate your well-being with personalized guidance and support

Balance with Chantel Ryan

Bring balance back to your body and your life. This package is all about getting to the bottom of those health issues and supporting you back to better health and wellbeing.

Do you have gut issues, suffer from hormonal imbalance, fatigue & sleep issues?

If you have suffered with ongoing poor health for some time or just generally not feeling your amazing self but not sure what the issues are? Then we have got you covered.

Our naturopathic practitioner Chantel Ryan is here to help with a comprehensive consultation and testing process. She will will go over your health history as well as your main health concerns.

Included in this package is an Organic Acids Metabolomic test which is an in-depth nutritional test that looks at the body’s cellular metabolic processing and identifies blocks. This, along with the consultation process allows Chantel to maximise client responses and improve our client health outcomes. All of this is put together for you in a very comprehensive wellness programme that will include some supplementation as well as dietary & lifestyle changes, but Chantel will go over all of this with you and support you along the way to make sure that you are feeling comfortable and excited to be on the road to better health and feeling great.